embedded control


An embedded control is an electrical, or mechanical, sub-system within a machine that makes it run. The ignition system of a 1960’s era automobile engine is a classic example of an electro-mechanical embedded system. On the same auto, the carburetor would classify as a mechanical embedded control.

key fob

In modern equipment, the thing that makes a “smart” TV, Toaster, Door Bell, Microwave Oven, or whatever, is the embedded system. The systems we manufacture for various clients range from relatively simple to moderately complex. For example this key fob takes the button command from the operator and converts it to a radio signal that is processes by the receiver into a command. In this case, to control a boat top..

gauge monitor and marmon


Embedded control covers a huge world of possibilities, including pergola controls with rain sensors, sun followers, and temperature controls. We also have a client base that includes commercial
mower and spreader controls, moveable furniture controls for the yachting industry, small boat controls, electric vehicle sub-systems, transmission controls, and systems for the military.

Mean Green


For small motor control at potentials below 100 Volts DC, or 120 Volts AC, embedded control may be the answer you are looking for.


For more information go to Digital@Elogic-US.com or our contact page for more help.